Sunday, November 8, 2009

What's Up With That?

heres a generic what's up with that moment that everyone can agree with, im sure...

so u go to the store and u buy a big old bag of chips for, like, 4 flippin' bucks. u come home eager to eat your chips. u open the bag and find that u paid 4 bucks for half a bag of chips. i mean, i swear they only fill them up like half way! what a waste of the enviroment! what's up with that?



  1. i know. its dumd that they do that. if they put more than more people will buy them.


  2. I agree completely! IT IS A RIP OFF! r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s

  3. first of all nani you spelled dumb wrong second of all it is a rip off you pay $4 for half the bag
